The Command of the Lord Allah has come, so don’t hurry for it; Glory is to Him and High is He above whatever they are associating with Him.
‘Command’ is one of the 40 names of Adhikr mentioned in 34 places such as in 16: 2; 30: 25 and 42: 52. The Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book Adhikr is formed as a Book through the Three-Time-Knower mentioned in verse 25: 59. So about the Impartial Lord and the Way to the Impartial, Messenger and believer should ask the author of Adhikr. It is told through verses 16: 43 and 21: 7 that any person doubting about any matter should also ask the author of Adhikr.
The Command also denotes the Last Hour. The disbelievers who belong to the party of Satan always hurried for the Doomsday. Lord explained through His Messenger by raising his index finger and middle finger that he and the Last Hour is so close like the two fingers.
Today, the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar by hiding and rejecting Adhikr are following 29 pseudo-prophets and are hurrying for the Antichrist. They are differentiated into different groups and became the true disbelievers/Mushriks as explained in verses 4: 150-151. For these Satan serving Mujirims, the doors of heaven will not be opened and they will not enter the Paradise until a camel can pass through the eye of a tailor’s needle as explained in verse 7: 40. Shortly, these hypocrites and Mushriks will be expelled from Hejaz by the proclamation of Caliph Mahdi there as explained in verses 9: 28 and 15: 2. See explanation 6: 155-157; 7: 26, 37 and 12: 106.